"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." Douglas Adams
So I guess I should tell you about this job I've been interviewed for, its a Christmas temp job, unfortunately, but at least its some money and experience, I'll be working in next over the Christmas period, which for any one that doesn't know is a big clothing shop with a very big reputation! Anyway it started on a Tuesday when a woman (Beth) from next rang me up and asked if i was available for a phone interview, great i thought your first impression of me is my horrible phone persona, but thankfully anxiety decided not to turn up for a change and i did really well, so well intact that i got invited to an assessment! This involved working for about 15mins on some of the departments that we would be working on if we got the job, thankfully having worked with the public before this was quite easy for me, so apparently that made me come across as confident and approachable as i had several customers approached me asking for help/ where something was, i even had a chat with a little boy who didn't want to go shopping (he started it). Guess what happened next? I GOT THE JOB!!! Hehe i got invited along to an induction which consisted of 3 hours of health and safety, manual handling and a walk through of the shop and it's fire exits (thrilling stuff) i also had to do an on line till training exercise (which i got paid for) however hiving worked with this type of till before it felt like i was being taught how to suck eggs… Anyway my first shift is the 23rd of December where I'll be thrown in the deep end and told to swim! I can't wait.
On to my assignments…
So for our cinematography our lecturer Mark decided to do something new and different, basically we were put in an order and had to make a 30 second film and whoever was in front of your had to edit your film and whoever was after you had to do the sound design for your film etc and at the end the tech guy would put them in sequence and we would have a 40 min film made up of every ones 30second clips! How Freaking cool is that?! However in typical teenager style we paid no attention to this and edited and did sound for our own films (which Mark was fine with) i had spent a little while on my film putting it the correct order and trying my hardest to do something interesting with what i had filmed however when i went to upload my 30 second clip on the due date i sat in horror as my mac decided to inform me it could locate any of the files i had used in my film which meant that i couldn't submit my 30 second clip!! But after watching everyone else's clips in a 40 min film I'm so proud of my year, by the looks of it we're all quite found of surrealism but there are some great minds in my class and they rant just what you'd expects of student films they aren't just expressionist lifeless pieces there were some genuinely funny clip and I'm so excited to start working properly with everyone!
For our script class we had to present our first draft of our scripts and trust me ours was bad Paul essentially told us to rewrite EVERYTHING as it was all to cliche and on the nose, we had also used stereotypes which he wanted us to move away from YAY:\ , but once again listening to the run through of everyone else's scripts was awesome and some amazing ideas are really starting to take shape which leads me on to pre-production.
For pre-production we have to created whats known as a mood reel/ mood board based around our film's we are developing in script. So we gather together pictures of how we want our films to look and feel like and we can either edit them together to make it in to a small advert type thing or just have it paper based so that we have to explain our choices. For some reason I'm really struggling with this which is quite strange because I'm usually the one drawing comparisons hopefully i get a grasp on this because it needs to be finished and in by this Friday!!

In other news i have been on a months drinks ban which ended a couple of days ago just in time for the inter flat Christmas Party!! Which was great fun we also had Secret Santa and i think we all did pretty well getting the right present for our person. Thank you Jazmin for my Chocolate, Mug and hot chocolate!!
as a flat we gave each other presents earlier that week because as Kirsten says "Ryan and I are children that can't contain ourselves once we see presents under the tree" SORRY MUM! but thank you to Kirsten and Eric for my amazing presents Kirsten got me the Breakfast at Tiffany's mug and the eyeliner and Eric got me the chocolate and the grumpy old git mug, as one of my friends on instagram said they know me too well already!!

I also received the cutest Christmas card ever from my best friend Thank you Becky! I promise yours is in the post!! I can't way to see you! Love you!!
Well that's everything i think i promise i won't wait for a month to update again!!
Thank you & good bye
Hann xx