Saturday 19 October 2013

The first month.

"Just be confident, you are doing better than you think"

So I started university about a month and a half ago now and what a month and a half its been! I moved in to halls, leaving my mum and step dad to continue with their own exciting new chapter (, met my roommates, started classes and had to make new friends; thankfully I had alcohol there to make sure I stayed classy through this stressful period...  

Seriously though when this journey started I had no idea what to expect, being a painfully shy person (I know right!) I was terrified of meeting new people or messing up on the first day, you know anything that may make me a centre of attention for more that 1 second, however having taken on the advise of a very close friend I kept my head high and stayed true to the real me and just like that I felt better, more confident and a  lot happier with everything that was going on, it also helped that a friend from my previous college course is up here with me.

I definitely got a good group of roommates, as it goes we only have 4 permanent tenants in our flat, including me, the other three are foreign students from America who are only here for the one semester. In light of there only being for of us we seem to merged with another flat we spend a lot of our spare time hanging out in either theirs or our communal living space. 

Classes seem to have been my downfall so far, not saying that I don't enjoy them, they are brilliant and I love learning about the film industry, its just I'm a first year student my blood is now considered to be about 20% alcohol, at least. So I'm usually hungover which means I've fallen asleep in almost every class. This risky move has lead to me to take up drinking coffee. Not only do I enjoy it but I find myself thinking about it for a good portion of the 30min walk to campus, I think I have an addiction.  

In the brief period I've been here I've drank roughly my weight in alcohol, learnt how to fall asleep sitting up, dyed my hair an unnatural colour, gone food shopping (a truly terrifying experience), made some great friends and got my self a club promoting job. Not bad for a month and a half I think, lets just see how the rest of the year pans out from here...

Thank you & goodbye.    

Hann x

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