The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. -Walt Disney
Kirsten thinks its funny to keep tagging me in posts so here's this one that as far as I'm aware has no name and is the LONGEST one yet!! Here we go!!
1. 20 dreams you have.
-Become a director
-Travel the world
-Learn Italian
-Have a small flat in new york
-Live in Australia
-Finish the song of ice and fire series
-Finish my tattoos
-Work on a film set
-Go to new york
-See the northern lights
-Go to paris
-Go to disney land
-Travel across America road trip style
-Live in a VW camper on a beach in Aus
-Actually finish learning to surf
-Learn Ballet
-See Wicked again
-See Mumford and Sons
-Lay on a beach in a hot country with no worries
-Afford to go on holiday
2. 19 quotes you love.
"life is either a daring adventure or nothing"
"I go to seek a great perhaps"
"I have tried so hard to do right"
"If your dreams don't scare you they arnt big enough"
"Love if never a problem only a solution"
"Sometimes the smallest thing take up the most room in your heart"
"Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting"
"Shoot all the blue jays you want, If you can hit 'em, but remember its a sin to kill a mocking bird"
“Some infinities are bigger than other infinities.”
"Right now we are alive and in this moment I swear we are infinite."
"Que sera, sera. Whatever will be, will be"
"I'd rather wear flowers in my hair than diamonds round my neck"
"This heart of mine was made to travel this world"
"why so serious?"
"I fall in love with peoples passion, the way their eyes light up when they talk about the thing they love and the way they fill with light"
"good things come to those who go out and get it"
“When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about"
"Don't forget to be awesome"
"Hakuna Matata"
3. 18 names you like
4. 17 words I like
5. 16 things you like to do alone
-Write blog posts
-Make up
-Watch cartoons
-Sit by the sea
-Watch whole seasons in one go
-Clean (believe it or not)
-Write lists
6. 15 things you like to do.
-Watch movies
-Make films
-Go for coffee
-Go to the park
-Be with my friends
-Spend time with my mum
-See my Nephews
-Make daisy chains
-Watch rubbish TV
-Girly nights
-Playing the Xbox BADLY
-Annoy Ry
7. 14 books you have read/would like to read.
-The hunger game trilogy
-Looking for Alaska
-Paper towns
-An abundance of Katherines
-The fault in our stars
-The perks of being a wall flower
-The night circus
-Warm bodies
-Pretties series
-To kill a mocking bird
-Vampire academy series
-When she woke
-Someone elses life
-The tenth circle
8. 13 songs you cant stop listening to
-My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up) - Fall out boy
-The Phoenix - Fall out boy
-Young Volcanoes - Fall out boy
-Alone Together - Fall out boy
-The Mighty Fall - Fall out boy
-Just One Yesterday - Fall out boy
-Where Did The Party Go - Fall out boy
-Death Valley - Fall out boy
-Rat a Tat - Fall out boy
-Miss Missing You - Fall out boy
-Save Rock and Roll - Fall out boy
-Uniform -Bloc Party
-I still remember -Bloc Party
9. 12 facts about you
-Brown hair
-Green eyes
-3 Tattoos
-6 Piercings
-I wear glasses
-1st year uni student
-Film student
-I have a creepy laugh
-I eat too much
-I love the sun
-I'm rubbish at updating blogs there either all at once or three months apart there is no in between
10. 11 things of your room
-Make up
-Aloe Vera (alfie)
-Pig things
-Pac Man
-Pin boards
11. 10 people you cant live without
12. 9 videos you like:
Do it anyway - Liam Drydan
Young volcanoes - Fall out boy
When I was you man - Bruno mars
Butterfly - Jason Mraz
My songs know what you did in the dark - Fall out boy
The phoenix - Fall out boy
I've got what it takes -Alex Day
At least it was here - Liam Dryden
She walks right through me - Alex Day
13. 8 favourite foods
-Ice cream
14. 7 artists you like
-Fall out boy
-The Maine
-All time low
-Arctic Monkeys
-The Killers
-Bloc Party
-Ed Sheeran
15. 6 things you cant live without
16. 5 favourite pictures of you and friends
17. places you want to go
18. letters to different people
Dear person 1
Thank you for letting me be who I want to be, I would be who I am with out you
Thank you
I love you
Dear person 2
I'm here in spite of you and what you did and said to me.
I'm living my dreams and I'm happy and content, they were right about you and I should have listened but i didn't I made my own mistakes and I needed to make them in order to realise who you really were.
I'm happy now with out you
Dear person 3
I'm so glad I met you.
I don't know what I'd do with out you
Thank you for being you
(this is to more than one person ;) argue between yourself)
19. languages you wish to know/want to learn
20. 1 phrase to describe you.
A pain in the ass surrounded by people, who for some reason put up with me.
Well I'm glad thats over with! that took me and hour and a half to complete!
Thank you & good night
Hann x
9. 12 facts about you
-Brown hair
-Green eyes
-3 Tattoos
-6 Piercings
-I wear glasses
-1st year uni student
-Film student
-I have a creepy laugh
-I eat too much
-I love the sun
-I'm rubbish at updating blogs there either all at once or three months apart there is no in between
10. 11 things of your room
-Make up
-Aloe Vera (alfie)
-Pig things
-Pac Man
-Pin boards
11. 10 people you cant live without
12. 9 videos you like:
Do it anyway - Liam Drydan
Young volcanoes - Fall out boy
When I was you man - Bruno mars
Butterfly - Jason Mraz
My songs know what you did in the dark - Fall out boy
The phoenix - Fall out boy
I've got what it takes -Alex Day
At least it was here - Liam Dryden
She walks right through me - Alex Day
13. 8 favourite foods
-Ice cream
14. 7 artists you like
-Fall out boy
-The Maine
-All time low
-Arctic Monkeys
-The Killers
-Bloc Party
-Ed Sheeran
15. 6 things you cant live without
16. 5 favourite pictures of you and friends
![]() |
We hit our heads, hence the weird faces! |
17. places you want to go
18. letters to different people
Dear person 1
Thank you for letting me be who I want to be, I would be who I am with out you
Thank you
I love you
Dear person 2
I'm here in spite of you and what you did and said to me.
I'm living my dreams and I'm happy and content, they were right about you and I should have listened but i didn't I made my own mistakes and I needed to make them in order to realise who you really were.
I'm happy now with out you
Dear person 3
I'm so glad I met you.
I don't know what I'd do with out you
Thank you for being you
(this is to more than one person ;) argue between yourself)
19. languages you wish to know/want to learn
20. 1 phrase to describe you.
A pain in the ass surrounded by people, who for some reason put up with me.
Well I'm glad thats over with! that took me and hour and a half to complete!
Thank you & good night
Hann x