Just remember, you can do anything you set your mind to, but it takes action, perseverance, and facing your fears. -Gillian Anderson
So I had a meeting with the head of my course the other day about me having to retake a module next year because of you know the failure, however it seems that if I send her my work and certain pieces of evidence then she'll submit it to the academic board for review and hopefully with get a grade and not have to take it again next year! YAY!!!
In other news Kirsten decided that she was going to cook a roast for everyone with my help! We well and truly pulled it off! Kirsten cooked roast pork under my mothers guideline and form what I can tell it was thoroughly enjoyed, I in true awkward fashion had my normal chicken and Megan just had veg. Everyone cleared their plates and some (Eric) even went in for some seconds. The crackling worked the veg was cooked perfectly, even if there were some issues with the amount cooked (we underestimated A LOT) and I made roast potatoes to rival my Ma's! Proud! Everyone is now either sat around on there computer/phone with a fat belly or fallen in to a food coma. Unfortunately Ryan had an assignment due in to day so was unable to join us :( but we saved him some so he can gave us individual praise later hehe.

That's actually it for this blog post I just really wanted to brag about our successful roast! Kirsten I will do the tag one soon I promise!!
Thank you & goodnight
Hann x
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