Saturday, 22 March 2014

And another one... "my first time"

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own, and you know what you know. And you are the guy who'll decide where to go. -Dr. Seuss

Yep she's done it again! Kirsten has tagged me in another tag post! and if i don't do them she'll attack me in my sleep!

So here it is this is the My First Time tag, a post where I will tell you a series of the first time things happened to me!
First Best Friend - 
I'm pretty sure that when I lived in Portsmouth when I was young I had a best friend called Lucy? But considering I cant really remember her I'm going to say Lottie Freeman, she was my best friend from the age of 4 and during secondary school she was like a sister to me and a daughter to my mum, we are not longer as close as we used to be, however I still consider her one of my close friends

First Kiss -
When I was 12/13, it was in a park down the road from my house and was as far from pleasant as you can get.
First Concert -
Robbie Williams! My mum took me with her and her friend to see him at Milton Keynes bowl when i was in year 7 it was amazing and I will never forget it!
First Celebrity Crush -
I'm pretty sure this was also Robbie Williams! I blame my mother!!

First Word - 
Megan was my first word, Megan was my Nan's dog, my mum was seriously annoyed with me when I first said it!

First Pet - 
A cat called Missy, she was a black cat that was the definition of evil.

First Job - 
I was a paper girl when i was 13/14? I was not a good paper girl.

First Phone - 
It was a Nokia with an Eeyore cover, I used it mainly to play snake.

First Tweet - 
Damn, going to fail media but I'm going to do it in style

First Make-Up - 
Pretty sure it was a lip gloss or something my mama got me for Christmas. 

Well that's that hope you enjoyed it!

Thank you & Goodnight!
Hann x

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