Wednesday, 19 March 2014

You wait months for a post, then two come along on the same day.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. -Winston Churchill

"I'm in a tree!"
So March has been pretty nice so far, weather wise, so nice in fact that we have has some trips to the park yay for sun! We played football, basket ball and just lounged around it was so nice to be
 outside without a jumper on and to have fun and mess around with my friends (uni friends!!)  

I also got to realise one of my life long dreams this last weekend. I went to Cardiff with Ellie, Georgia, Ashley, Daniel, Stephen, Jaz and Austin to see one of my most favourite bands of all time Fall Out Boy the concert was amazing, Ellie and Georgia were crowd surfing, me and Stephen were quite literally fighting for our space and Austin got a shout out from Pete Wentz because he was wearing a daffodil hat and could been seen for MILES!! It was an amazing night although I was hurting all over! I also got to meet Kirsten's family (mum, nan and brother) and what Eric and Megan affectionately call Dog (a french bulldog whose actual name it Tilley) I have missed having a dog as Kirsten found out when I was playing with "Dog".

I did receive some bad news this week whilst editing our experimental piece for uni, unfortunately i have failed a compulsory module this year and need to speak to my tutor about it, i have a meeting with her on Thursday and I'm dreading it, this was literally one of my worst nightmares and could have easily cried about it for days on end, however i have and amazing mama and just as amazing friends as they cheered me right up and even managed to calm me down. Hopefully everything will go ok tomorrow the worst that could happen is being made to take that module again next year which i don't mind, my problem with that is it costs £1030 to retake it *GULP* oh well just wish me luck and I'll update you next time!

Thank you & good night
Hann x

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