A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same. -Elbert Hubbard
So in my last proper blog post I may have possibly made a promise that apparently I can't keep, I said I wouldn't leave it a month to update yet here we are three months from Christmas and you've only had a tag post, I AM SORRY, I will never get away from saying that phrase! Any way on with the catching up I feel this may have to be a long one!!
Me, Nan and Grandad at Christmas dinner |
So I spent most of the Christmas period with Kirsten in halls we didn't really do much apart from mope around all day and watch copious amounts of TV she had a Christmas temp job to go to so actually got out of the flat every now and then I however did nothing, I was waiting for proper Christmas to go and spend some time with my Mama, Nan, Grandad and Step-dad on the boat for Christmas day. I really enjoyed being with my Nan on Christmas for a change and she really enjoyed the present I made for her!
For New Years I was down in St Ives with Ryan we went to the Eden project, had a look around the biomes and ice skated, which Ryan was surprisingly good at, I however had deteriorated since my last days on the ice and my hips had a huge impact on this (never damaged your hips if you do then almost everything is ruined), we also went to penzance and had a small shop, I got to go to a beach and the waves were HUGE I was so happy to be near the sea again, for new years eve we went out to St Ives itself dressed as mimes, apparently dressing up to celebrate new year is a tradition in St Ives, we had a good time in a small club and watched the fireworks go off from inside as it was pouring it down, typical south west weather!! We then just laid around like slobs for the rest of the time there.

The first week of January brought our brand new bunch of Americans! Yay! We got two girls, Megan and Brie and guy, Ben. These Americans are a lot more sociable than our last lot and we adore them! Not much else really happened in January apart from starting our second semester of uni, Ryan and I decided that we wanted to start making proper food not just processed and frozen stuff or especially pizza our biggest vice. I think we've done alright and we haven't starved yet! We did have Jazmin's and Austin's birthdays so we had a movie night and went out for their respective days, and we FINALLY got our flat photo! YAY!
Kirsten, Me and Emily |
Me,Kirsten and Ryan |
Eric, Ben, Ryan, Me, Kirsten, Brie and Megan. Our Flat |

Finally February, the greatest month of the year, arrived! it was Georgia's, Eric's and my birthdays within about two weeks of each other, we had a movie night and food for Eric, with an amazing cake made by oneself :) and I got a surprise meal with both flats in Nandos, I was not expecting it and was soo happy i couldn't contain myself, nothing to do with the two vodka lemonades i was made to down (RYAN!! get your timing better), on my actual birthday my mama and step-dad came down and took me out to lunch at weatherspoons, it was very tasty, i then went back to the flat and watched the rugby, interesting when you have one welsh person in a flat full of English people! I got so many cards and presents for my birthday and i loved them all! Thank you everyone!
I also went to visit Ma the day after valentines as she was stuck in the same mariner she had been in at Christmas, waiting for the water levels to recede, let just say that i could have gone swimming on what was once a road!! it was a nightmare! but i did get to have an explore of tewksbury, i saw the abbey they have which is BEAUTIFUL and all the pretty flowers i do love seeing colour in the world! Ma and i even took some selfies!
Well now that we are all caught up to March i shall talk about this months antics in another post, which will be up by the end of this week! Promise!
Thank You & Goodbye!
Hann x
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